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Custer State Park Buffalo Round Up and Arts Festival

September 26 September 27

13438 US Highway 16A, Custer, South Dakota

Watch cowboys and cowgirls as they roundup and drive the herd of approximately 1,300 buffalo. Not only is the roundup a spectacular sight to see, it is also a critical management tool in maintaining a strong and healthy herd.

The Buffalo Roundup will begin at 9:30 a.m. MT with the parking lots opening at 6:15 a.m. Be sure to get there early if you want to pick your spot. Guests must stay in the viewing areas until the herd is safely in the corrals, generally around noon. Breakfast is available at 6:15 a.m. in both viewing areas. Lunch is served at the corrals once the buffalo are rounded up. There is a fee for both meals. 

Testing, branding and sorting of the buffalo begins at 1 p.m. and lasts until approximately 3 p.m. Crews will work the remainder of the herd in October.


What you need to know

  • Bring folding chairs, cameras, binoculars, layered clothing, rain gear and sun screen.

  • You will need to determine which viewing area you will be going to prior to Friday morning.  All vehicles will depart the way they entered. Motorcoaches welcomed.

    • North Parking and Viewing | Head south from the Game Lodge area on Wildlife Loop Road. (See green path on map.)
    • South Parking and Viewing | Head east on Wildlife Loop Road near Blue Bell campground. (See red path on map.)
  • We encourage that you do not bring your camper. Call 605.255.4515 for drop-off locations. If you do bring it, follow the green route on the map, and you will be parked in the North Overflow Lot and be shuttled to the Roundup.
  • We encourage you to leave your pets at home. If you must bring them, they must remain in the vehicle. 

Custer State Park

13438 US Highway 16A
Custer, South Dakota 57730 United States